One Tip at a Time Tip 2 – Get Closer

Get Closer

The number one piece of advice I give out when folks ask me how to take better pictures?  Get Closer.  Whether you do it by zooming in, using your feet or even cropping, this tip works with every camera from cell phone to top of the line DSLR.

Now I’m not suggesting that you walk out onto the football field with your iPhone in the middle of a play – I love my iPhone but it doesn’t work for everything!  I am suggesting however that if safety permits, do what you can to fill the frame with your subject (or a close up portion of your subject!).

How Does This Tip Help?

What this tip accomplishes:
– isolates the subject
– eliminates distractions in the background
– cameras/phones shooting on auto will better calculate the proper exposure, especially when you eliminate a giant bright white sky.

The easiest tip ever!

For the below shot (yes, years ago – not me crying as I write this), I walked closer to Alex, and zoomed in with my lens.  See how the focus is brought to her beautiful eyes?  And how the background fades into the….background?  Never mind her wayward hair, this wasn’t a styled shoot  LOL

You Don’t Always Need a Long Lens

You don’t always need a long lens….in these I used my feet to “zoom” in order to fill the frame with patterns or texture.

Getting Closer For Macro

Getting closer works for just about anything, but for macro shots it is EVERYTHING. Below is another before and after – of a tiny flower that was smaller than my fingertip. Icing on the cake? These flower images were taken with my iPhone!

In the words of Robert Capa “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough”

Did you miss tip one? You can find it here.

What is your favorite closeup shot you have ever taken? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Mary Hellner says:

    I love catching a bug in a flower. So, I start taking a pic from wherever I am standing, and then get a bit closer and closer until I get as close as the bug allows. Just one reason digital is good!

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