One Tip at a Time Tip 2 – Get Closer

The number one piece of advice I give out when folks ask me how to take better pictures?  Get Closer.  Whether you do it by zooming in, using your feet or even cropping, this tip works with every camera from cell phone to top of the line DSLR.

Now I’m not suggesting that you walk out onto the football field with your iPhone in the middle of a play – I love my iPhone but it doesn’t work for everything!  I am suggesting however that if safety permits, do what you can to fill the frame with your subject (or a close up portion of your subject!).

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One Tip At A Time Tip 1 – You Don’t Need an Expensive Camera to take Great Photos

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“Your photos are amazing, you must have an expensive camera!” The first thing said to me as I sat down to relax at an end of season soccer party for my kid.

I can’t tell you how many times as a photographer I have heard that phrase or something similar.

Over the years I have taken terrible photos with an expensive camera. I have also learned how to take photos that I am pretty proud of with my cell phone. It all boils down to how well you know your gear, composition, lighting, posing, etc, and whether you do any editing. You don’t need an expensive camera to take great photos!

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Geocaching – A Great Way to Find Hidden Gems Near You

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to purchase something I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. You can read my full disclaimer here.

It’s locked – where is the key?

“It’s locked, where is the key?”

“I don’t see it anywhere”

*Checks Geocaching app for clues, and realize the key is in a different place than the Cache*

Walking, wandering, searching.

“Found it!”

“Oh Crap, the key is locked in…” (this time with a code)

Our last Cache of the day while easy to find would turn out to be the hardest to open.

Continue reading “Geocaching – A Great Way to Find Hidden Gems Near You”

What am I thankful for? 2023 Recap

Every year, I start out with a list of things I hope to accomplish and it somewhat stresses me out (how, when, why?). So this year I will instead start it with a list of 2023 memories and things that make me happy.

Some of the images I took with my phone, some with my real camera, and some where thankfully captured by other people and shared with me.

I know that not everyone will be interested – its ok. This post is more for me and my memories. But if it inspires others to look back and separate some favorite photos of their own from 2023, that is a plus.

Continue reading “What am I thankful for? 2023 Recap”