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From Photography to Videography
Photography has been a huge passion of mine for many years but I had never really tried or been interested in videography with my phone (or any other means). However as I started leaving my big girl camera at home more often and using my phone more and more for photography, I also started taking more video.
I have never been very good though at getting the right clips, narrowing things down, putting things together, etc. Yes, I’m a photographer but videos are a whole other realm and I wasn’t sure I was cut out for it.
But…I decided to try and I’m so glad I did. I looked up several online courses and decided to go with DIY Family Films. Yes it’s geared toward Family Films and memory making, but I believe the lessons are pretty applicable overall. Not gonna lie – my creative juices are flowing!
While my first video isn’t perfect I’d say it’s a good start – especially since it was all done on my phone!! To protect my phone for the underwater shots I used this waterproof case I purchased from Amazon.
As I’m sure you have heard many photographers say – the best camera is the one you have with you.