Useful Travel Apps and Websites for Inspiration, Planning and Documenting Memories

Me, locked up

Planning and documenting trips can feel overwhelming without the right tools. Over the years I’ve found so many amazing apps that have made my travels more efficient and fun. And when you want to add a touch of adventure like haunted spots or a range of activities from shopping to nature to ziplines (to accommodate the different interests of your travel mates) it can be even harder. Read on for a list of my favorite and most useful Travel Apps and Websites for inspiration.

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Planning And Preparing

Planning a trip can be overwhelming, especially for someone like me that tends to “overthink” things. But pre-planning is important. Expecially if you are going to a touristy area that requires reservations. Or you want to make sure you have time to do ALL the things!


Tripsy is my go to for pre-planning my trips, and creating an Itinerary. I’ve used it for multiple trips over the years, but the two most recent were Niagara Falls and Pittsburgh. Tripsy was a life saver for both. From planning how to get there, to navigating an exploring and even setting aside time to relax (or Geocache!)

Your Tripsy itinerary will include everything that you add to the trip. Including mode of transportation, hotel/places you will be staying and all of the events you have scheduled. You can enter the information manually, or forward emails to your Tripsy account and things will be automatically added. (if not they are at least stored in the documents section).

You can also add locations/events with no timeline. I add these as my back up plan if a scheduled event is canceled. I especially love all of the recent updates they have made to the app. One of which includes showing all of your scheduled locations on a map.

Yes its a paid app but definitely worth it. Especially since you can share your trips with your travel buddies that do not have the paid version. You can get more info (or download the app) here,


Second in line for pre-planning and an itinerary? Roadtrippers . I don’t believe Roadtrippers has a lifetime membership like Tripsy. I wasn’t down for a monthly (or yearly) charge so Tripsy it is (for me). However I did stay on the Roadtrippers email list. It is one way I can learn about new places to visit. (And one reason my bucket list is so long LOL). Click here to see a recent Roadtrippers link that I found interesting.

Packing List

For packing my favorite app is Packing List Checklist. The app separates your packing list into multiple categories including Clothing, Toiletries, Electronics and more. You can even create your own categories, depending on how you roll. I created one for Photo/Video items, and an “out the door” category for me to check as I’m leaving (cause I stress about what I might forget).

The first couple of trips may be hard to get everything on the list, but once you have done it a few times it gets easier. Especially since you can duplicate lists to reuse them.

In addition to the packing list it has a separate “to do” list where you can list things like “book hotel”, “make itinerary”, “charge phone”, etc.

On the Road

I use TripAdvisor for finding popular things in a given location – on the road or at my ultimate destination. It is how I found the Niagara Falls tour my girls and I did in May.

But sometimes I’m more in to quirky roadside attractions or hidden gems. For those I use the below apps.

Roadside America

Roadside America is a great app for finding everything from a Giant Campbell’s Soup Can with Andy Warhol’s signature (Fort Collins, CO) to the Mansfield Reformatory/Shawshank Redemption Prison (Mansfield, OH).

On a road trip? Plug in a starting point and end point, and the app will show you all of the weird quirky things on your route. On my trip from Chelsea, MI to Mansfield, OH I may or may not have stopped at the Wood County Museum to see the fingers of murder victim Mary Bach and the knife used to sever them….

Me with the Campbell’s soup can with Andy Warhol’s signature, and locked up in the Mansfield/Shawshank Redemption prison
Me with the Campbell’s soup can with Andy Warhol’s signature, and locked up in the Mansfield/Shawshank Redemption prison.

Geocaching or Cachly

Yes, yes I am bringing up Geocaching AGAIN. In addition to finding caches at your destination, it is a great way to get some exercise and time away from driving if you need a break. Regardless of where you stop you can almost always find a cache nearby.

We have found geocaches in rest areas, restaurant parking lots and more. Best part is when you find an amazing view you wouldn’t have seen if it wasn’t for the cache. Trust me and DO IT.

For Memories

Regardless of how it annoys my family I will continue to take more photos than I need to LOL. But even better if I can document in words as I go and save in a place to relive my adventures. What do I use to document? Polar Steps.

Polar Steps

I LOVE Polar Steps. In addition to being a place where you can store pictures and notes, it will also provide a map of all of your adventures. You can make your account visible to the public, or private and only to people that you invite/accept. (Mine is private).

As you add and complete more trips, it creates an overall world map of ALL of your adventures. At the end of each trip you have the option to create a photo book that outlines your travel photos and notes. I haven’t yet ordered a book so can’t provide a review on that but will update when I do!

The most important thing to me though, is being able to go back and relive the adventures. With the pictures, notes, and being able to zoom in on the actual locations it’s like a virtual time capsule.

Polar Steps is one of my favorite apps for inspiration and documenting memories
My current overview in Polar Steps – on the app you can pinch and zoom in to see the individual locations

Interested in Eerie and Ghostly Places?

I’ve always been intrigued by spooky and haunted things. Whether it is a location that is famously haunted, or the ghost that lives in my house, I’m down for the adventure. How do you find those places? The internet, duh. Below is my go to site.

Haunted Places

The Haunted Places website is da bomb.

Once on the site you can search for Haunted Places by Keywords, Categories, or by State. The categories include everything from Historical buildings, hotels, restaurants, theaters and more.

I used it for a 2018 Haunted Roadtrip with my daughter. (How have I not done a blog post about that?? *Adds to list*). We stayed at a haunted hotel (Terrace Inn), did a Haunted tour (recommended by the people at the Terrace Inn) and visited other haunted places (restaurants, etc) on the way there and home. Terrace Inn even had a book where multiple guests over the years wrote about their haunted experiences there – it was interesting (and creepy!)

The Terrace Inn in 2018, and me and Riley during out haunted tour
The Terrace Inn in 2018, and me and Riley during out haunted tour

Plan and Explore

In addition to helping me plan and document my adventures, these apps help me find places I never even knew existed. Whether you are a meticulous planner or want to leave room for spontaneous detours – these apps and websites have a lot to offer. Make a plan and explore!

Do you have favorite apps you use for travel and adventures? If so let me know in the comments!


I am a spirited blogger from Chelsea, MI who thrives on adventure, creativity and exploring the world through the lens of my camera (even if it’s my phone). When I’m not chasing sunsets and amazing views, I spend time with my heart dog Maizie. If travel, creativity and a dash of blunt honesty (with the occasional F-bomb) sparks your curiousity, you are in the right place.

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