Tiny Planets App – this fun little gem does some pretty cool things with your images.
Yes, I know how to use PhotoShop, but sometimes I don’t want to break out the “big guns” to play around with an image, and yet I want more than a couple of muddy filters.
I have used my most recent vacation pics as examples, check this out:
Coliseum Comets (Tiny Planet option)

The city of Portland, Oregon at night (Rabbit Hole option)

Portland, Oregon in the daylight

A Geocaching site, taken as a panorama on my iPhone

And the “Video Planet” option that I have had mixed success with. Here is what it looks like using the Coliseum Comets
Look like fun and have an extra 99 cents?
Get the iOS version HERE . I couldn’t find an Android version by the same developer, but there are several similar apps.
Have fun!!