My girls each have a birthday coming up in May. As I look around my very cluttered home, I cringe at the thought of them receiving more THINGS. Things that they play with for 10 minutes and forget, things that end up perpetually on the floor – and the worst, big things that are comprised of many little pieces that ultimately end up separated to the far corners of our home never to be seen together again.
If I thought these things were treasured, or helpful in some way I don’t think it would bother me so much, but that is rarely the case. More often the excitement is fleeting, and the mess these gifts make is permanent (at least until we shovel the living room).
As my mind traveled down this path, it occurred to me that what my children talk about for years on end, and what they really treasure have always been EXPERIENCES. Places we’ve gone, amazing things we have seen, and things our family has done TOGETHER. We have a special book case full of photo books made with the images of our vacations, our holidays, and the milestones of my children. Those books are the one thing that the kids never tire of. Oh how I love when they reach for a special book and say “remember this?” or “this was the best vacation ever”. Coloring Easter Eggs, our Disney Cruise, golfing with Daddy – these experiences are far more special than any THING I could ever give them.

What better gift to offer them for their birthdays, than a memory? (and maybe another photo book as a forever reminder of that memory!)
So this year we are thinking of doing things a little different. This year in addition to the cake and ice cream but instead of the “things”, I may take a day off work so we can make a memory.
Some current ideas:
1. Detroit Zoo (Detroit, MI)
2. Cedar Point (Sandusky, OH)
3. Mackinac Island, MI – this is my favorite place in Michigan!!
4. Air Zoo (Portage, MI) – my husband might like this one more than the kids 🙂
What about you? Where are the places that your family has had the most fun making memories? What do you think would make a memorable “non-thing” gift?