Sunday, May 12, 2013 is Mothers Day. At least “officially”.
But whether I’m sitting at the ice rink with my skaters, or cheering at a soccer/football/basketball game, or sitting down at my desk to pay bills and finding little notes that say “I love you Mom”, every day is Mothers Day for me.
In doing for my children, I reflect on the things that my mother did for me, and the things she now does for them. Indeed, I sometimes see in my own actions, those of my mother. Most often good, but occasionally with the thought, “oh crap, I sound just like my mother“. My choices in life may be different and we may not always agree, but my mother made me who I am and for that I am thankful.
There are many other mothers in my life. My mother in law raised the man who became my husband. With her guidance he has grown to be the kind of father we all wish for our children to have. She embraced me with all of my baggage and has surrounded my family with love.
I would guess that for my mom and mother in law, every day is Mothers Day too.
It takes a village of mothers to raise our children. That village is teaming with grandmothers, sisters, in laws, and our mom friends that share the joys and triumphs as well as the “OMG I can’t believe what happened” stories that remind us we are not alone.
For these moms I know, every day is Mothers day.
While the world sends cards and flowers to commemorate this one special day for moms, I want to add a hearty THANK YOU to every mom out there that touches my life every day. My mom and my mother in law (for everything, always), my grandmothers (love you), my sisters in law (you rock!), the mothers of my children’s friends that help out with rides and play dates and fun (I appreciate you!), my friends who are also mothers (thank you for laughing and crying with me!), and my photog friends (I treasure the pics of me with my kids!) – I could not successfully walk this journey without any of you.