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“Your photos are amazing, you must have an expensive camera!” The first thing said to me as I sat down to relax at an end of season soccer party for my kid.
I can’t tell you how many times as a photographer I have heard that phrase or something similar.
Over the years I have taken terrible photos with an expensive camera. I have also learned how to take photos that I am pretty proud of with my cell phone. It all boils down to how well you know your gear, composition, lighting, posing, etc, and whether you do any editing. You don’t need an expensive camera to take great photos!
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From Photography to Videography
Photography has been a huge passion of mine for many years but I had never really tried or been interested in videography with my phone (or any other means). However as I started leaving my big girl camera at home more often and using my phone more and more for photography, I also started taking more video.
I have never been very good though at getting the right clips, narrowing things down, putting things together, etc. Yes, I’m a photographer but videos are a whole other realm and I wasn’t sure I was cut out for it.
But…I decided to try and I’m so glad I did. I looked up several online courses and decided to go with DIY Family Films. Yes it’s geared toward Family Films and memory making, but I believe the lessons are pretty applicable overall. Not gonna lie – my creative juices are flowing!
While my first video isn’t perfect I’d say it’s a good start – especially since it was all done on my phone!! To protect my phone for the underwater shots I used this waterproof case I purchased from Amazon.
As I’m sure you have heard many photographers say – the best camera is the one you have with you.
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Today I chose to make a Facebook post about two items on what I call my Happy Shelf. A small Amethyst, and a Tree of Life Charm.
I posted more as a reminder to myself as to why I added some of the things to my shelf, but as people commented on my post it made me pause and think about this past weekend.
The day I was so disappointed in myself because I was already in the first week of January seeing myself on track to FAIL at one of the goals I had set for myself. That goal? To post at least once a week on this blog and I hadn’t written anything during the time I scheduled.
What does my Happy Shelf Facebook Post have to do with not meeting my blogging goals you may ask?
As people started commenting on my Facebook post I started to observe a few things.
I don’t always realize how much people appreciate the small things (like me sharing my Happy Shelf!), and I maybe need to write about those more
I have learned so much about blogging over the years and I am so Type A that I have been immensely intent on “following the rules” as far as creating a “successful blog”. But…the typical blogging type that fits into the rules does not fit with my personality. This makes it difficult for me to be inspired to write.
It’s time to say Fuck it and start doing this blog my way. I’m not really a “fit in the box” kind of person so I’m not sure why I ever thought my blog should be.
As my brain worked through all of those thoughts, I continued to look at my Tree of Life Charm. Yes, I WILL let my light shine for all to see.
Then I wrote this blog post.
And now, as my Tree of Life instructs…
“Celebrate Life’s victories, no matter how small they may be.”
When I first got into photography one of the first things I was taught was that the best camera is the one you have with you. These days for almost everyone that is a cell phone.
Yes, there are always going to be things that I will break out my big girl camera for. Sports of course, and professional portraits. But in so many cases I am loving the photos I am getting with my phone (and you certainly can’t beat the convenience). If you just happen to be driving down the road and the sun looks like this how could you not stop and take a picture?? This is just one of the many times I was thankful for my cell phone camera.
Cell phones are not just for landscapes. While you may not have the ability to have the flexibility you do with a ”real” camera, Moment Lenses can help you up your creative game. Here are some photos I took with my Moment Macro Lens with my iPhone 11 ProMax. (Note you will also need either a Moment Case / drop in lens mount, and/or a Moment Lens Mount to use them).
I upgraded to the iPhone 13 ProMax in December 2021 and haven’t yet used my Moment lenses with it, but here are a few of my favorite recent shots taken during my ODT Challenges. Maizie during the ODT Lights Prompt in January and the Chelsea Clocktower for the ODT Frozen Prompt for February.
My beautiful Maizie BluChelsea Clocktower reflection in a frozen puddle
For proof that you do not need the latest and greatest phone to get good pictures – check out this picture of a grasshopper that I took with an iPhone 4 and no additional lenses back in 2012. Still not sure why he cooperated, but I was happy!
iPhone photo of a Grasshopper
There are times that I wish I had my professional camera with me, but I know that if I take the time to go get it the moment will be lost. So there are times I can’t take the chance – especially when you randomly encounter nature that is cooperating with you. How often do you get a garter snake or crayfish to pose??? Yes, both of these images were taken with my iPhone.
For the record (and full transparency) I do edit my cell phone photos, but I also do that on my phone. Most of the time with PS Express, as it is included with my Photoshop subscription. However I don’t do anything too fancy. Usually just brighten and contrast adjustments, sometimes clarity if needed. Snapseed is also a great editing app, and is free.
So in a nutshell – yes some cameras are better than others. But the best camera will ALWAYS be the one you have with you, even if it’s your phone!