2021 was…interesting to say the least. I won’t go into a lot of detail because well, no one wants to hear all that LOL. What I will say is that after a lot of soul searching I am going to make a more concentrated effort to start moving forward with adding more things to my days that make my heart happy, and less things that don’t.
As I move into 2022, I am looking forward to more adventures, more creative pursuits, more laughter and more time with the people I love.
For now though, I will start with sharing my favorite photo for each month of 2021.
The interesting thing about these images is that they range from Selfies, to landscapes to macro to sports photography. I love them all the same regardless of whether they were taken with my DLSR, Mirrorless or iPhone. It makes me incredibly thankful for the strides made in cell phone cameras, and that I always have a camera with me now.
On a fun note – can you tell which of these images were taken with my iPhone and which were taken with a “real” camera (DSLR or Mirrorless)? Some may be obvious, but are they all? Hint: only 4 of the Jan-Dec photos were taken with a “real” camera, the rest were all taken with my iPhone.
JANUARY – me walking with my best friendFEBRUARY – my first time trying to create and photograph frozen bubbles!!MARCH – a shell on the dock in FloridaAPRIL – one of my favorite hiking and nature partnersMAY – sometimes me and bestie have to get fancyJUNE – an amazing Rainbow over Chelsea, MichiganJULY – the most beautiful dragonfly (damselfly?) I have ever seenAUGUST – I’m not a landscape photographer, but when you go to Colorado you can’t really go wrongSEPTEMBER – a garter snake POSED for me! And his eyes were blue!OCTOBER – and just when I thought I got lucky with the garter snake, a Crayfish with blue eyes posed for me!NOVEMBER – snow on a spiders webDECEMBER – my #32 doing what she does
And a few extra pictures, just because I want to share.
1. Me flexing after climbing the mountains (thank you for the pic Amanda H) 2. The beach at Hotel Breakers Cedar Point 3. A slug on my shed porch
Have you ever thought about what it might be like to get do what you love every day, and to share it with other people? I know I think about things like that a lot and am hugely inspired by people I meet who have managed to make dreams like that a reality. Jim at Sandusky Segwave is one of those people.
After his first Segway tour with Capital Segway in Washington DC, Jim of Sandusky Segwave was hooked on Segways and began seeking out Segway tours as he traveled. Just a few tours later, he began dreaming of opening his own tour company.
Discovering that David Weller (Segaway Tours of Columbus) had opened and was already doing what Jim dreamed of, Jim called and asked if he needed help. With Segway experience and a flexible schedule, David happily welcomed Jim. Working with David in Columbus from 2010-2016 Jim learned the ropes and made strides toward his own dream.
In 2016 Jim found the perfect location – a section of the beautiful historic Sandusky State Theater. Sandusky Segwave opened March 1, 2017, with the Segways arriving in April. Sandusky Segwave is now in its third season of operation.
Sandusky Segwave
Riley and I arrived at Sandusky Segwave in September of 2019, excited to scratch off another bucket list item.
From the moment we showed up on the doorstep until the very end of the tour, Jim made us feel like family. We laughed. A lot. Sometimes at each other, but that’s ok. 🙂
I was a little nervous to step onto the Segway – this old lady has not had a great experience with hoverboards (don’t ask), but the Segway was much easier – especially with Jim’s instruction. After a few practice runs we were on our way.
As for the tour itself – we saw rainbows and bubbles, the boy in the boot and the floral clock, cemeteries, humor, history, and beauty all around. Jim was personable and engaging and the tour really went by much too quickly.
Sandusky Segwave earned the 2019 Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence, and once you’ve visited it will be easy for you to see why.
Riley and I are very much looking forward to visiting Jim again – hopefully next time for one of the new Cedar Point Segway Tours!
His grip tight on the bottom of my T-shirt, Robby walks close to my back with his freckled face peeking around my arm. We shuffle together around a corner and…
I am almost pulled to the floor on top of Robby as he stiffens and falls to the ground at the sight of the hollow eyed zombie that appeared out of the darkness ahead.
Giggling, Robby accepts my offer of a hand to help him up, and he resumes his place behind me, gripping my shirt as the zombie disappears back into the darkness…
A conference designed to help you grow as a writer, increase your social media reach and to set and achieve your blogging and social media goals, Bloggycon is also great fun for the whole family.
During the day while I am absorbing the wisdom and inspiration of engaging speakers, my family happily leaves me behind to conquer the rides at Cedar Point.
In the evening, I join them for a haunting good time in the spine-tingling scare zones of the park – scare zones that become ever more intense after dark…
When was the last time you took a selfie with a zombie?
Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point
Just steps away from the fun on the beautiful shores of Lake Erie, our suite at Hotel Breakers welcomes us after an exhausting day of fun. Beautifully remodeled, the suites include two double beds and a pull-out couch in the living room area. To save a bit of money, we also bring meals and snacks with us to store in the mini kitchen.
Hotel Breakers gets our vote for comfort and convenience.
Bonus: Bloggycon attendees who stay at a Cedar Point resort for 2 (two) nights during the conference will receive up to 6 (six) 3-day passes valid for Cedar Point and Cedar Point Shores that weekend. The number of tickets you receive will be based on the number of registered guests per hotel room (per Bloggy Conference ticket).
Double Bonus: Guests at Hotel Breakers enjoy a 1-hour early entry into Cedar Point!
Boardwalk to Cedar Point
Interested in Bloggycon?
I’m not a person who attends a ton of industry conferences – I mean really, when would I find the time? However, Bloggycon is one that I don’t like to miss.
Always great to see friends made in previous years!
2018 will be my fourth year attending and without fail, I leave the conference inspired and bursting with creative energy. I have also connected with many other bloggers who continue to inspire me on a daily basis, and who I look forward to seeing each year at the conference.
It was a perfect “between the busy” moment spent with Hockey Bob. An opportunity to talk about the past week, share funny stories and just enjoy being together on our walk to the Chelsea Farmers Market at the new Palmer Commons event space (304 S. Main St, Chelsea, MI 48118).